Bri Edwards - No Stockings Are Hung........ [X-mas Eve Has Changed For Me; Personal]

2014-06-17 29

NO stockings, this Christmas Eve, by the chimney are hung.
NO holiday music plays in our home; NO carols are sung.
NO wreath’s on our front door to make our home look so dandy.
I WON'T go to a midnight church service, where as a kid I got candy.

NO tree adorns our living room, topped off with a star.
NO Christmas cookies are baking to be placed in a jar.
NO presents are wrapped, awaiting Christmas Day's morning light.
A very few cards arrived, and THOSE aren’t even in sight.

NO, it’s not like the Christmas Eves I knew long ago,
when in bed I had visions of reindeer with Santa’s swift sled in tow.
My parents are long dead and my siblings are scattered,
my daughter has her own family now, but I’ve got what most mattered.

I’ve got my health, or most of it, and still most of my teeth.
I’ve got warm outer winter clothes, and clothes to go underneath.
I’ve got food in the house, and each night a warm shower.
I’ve got a cell phone to call friends and relatives and to tell me the hour.

I’ve got wild birds out our windows to enjoy as they feed.
I’ve got PoemHunter, books, and movies; more than I need.
I’ve got volunteer work and help keep me busy,
and I’ve got a loving wife, though...., at times, she makes me dizzy.

The ONE Christmas event I miss since moving......out to the West Coast.......
is making snowmen and snow women; it was what I liked most.

Bri Edwards